Mondays 72: Zero Emissions Neighborhood

October 12, 2020

This week we’re solo as we bring you some news from the last couple of weeks.  Small business suffering, zero emissions neighborhoods, and a Venice that doesn’t flood.

Odds and Ends

Self driving years away – ReCode

Connecticut zoning challenged – CT Mirror

Zero emissions neighborhood – Fast Company

A dry Venice – AP

Electric bike subsidies – Kinder Institute

Small business losses – Salon

Below is an unedited automatically generated transcript: 

This is Mondays at The Overhead Wire is sponsored by our generous Patreon supporters. I’m Jeff, Wood your host and join, buy Han Solo. Right? We’re joined by a shot of Canton and a lot of hopes and dreams. We traveled with a Wiki companion and we’ll drop our cargo if approached by star destroyers, but we have some precious cargo for you today. A few news items to share this week, as we look back on, what’s been popular at The Overhead Wire our weekly newsletter actually it’s a daily newsletter, and I’m surprised that I don’t remember that because I do it everyday.
We got through about 1500 news items everyday, and we pick the best ones for folks who are listening. You can subscribe for a two week trial by going to The Overhead M and check it out. This is episode 72. Shut-ins anonymous. One on one is in session. Before we get to the news, I wanted to let folks know they can get this podcast wherever you find your podcasts, including iHeart, radio, Spotify, overcast, Stitcher, and of course, Apple podcasts. Make sure you subscribe. So you don’t miss an episode and subscribing means you get both Mondays at The Overhead Wire and Talking Headways on the same feed to find podcasts was a great channel.
Thanks to folks that subscribe to through podcatchers as well. It’s awesome that you keep coming back to the show. We really do appreciate it. So, you know, let’s just a, you know, stuff has been going on. There has been a lot of political stuff. There’s a lot of advertising on our televisions. You held, I know that a television is on your podcasts. It’s on your YouTube videos. Wherever you may be, you will see an advertising blasts from everywhere. It, it seems really crazy and I’ve already voted. I’m actually happy to say that I’ve already turned my ballot in and hits on its way to the A to the election commission here in San Francisco.
And I’m looking forward to seeing when it arrives. You know, I, I will say there’s been, I’m a number of things happening out there in terms of like ballot boxes and voter suppression and things like that. And I will say that, you know, I really appreciate what’s been going on here in San Francisco. I think it was last year or maybe a year before that I actually didn’t sign the back of my ballot. And when I, when I sent it in and they sent me a another man, because I did it early enough, they send me a, a, another mail saying you didn’t sign your ballot, sign this affidavit saying that was your ballot.
And I, I did that and then sent it back in and a registered as a, as a vote. So I was happy to do that. And I w I hope that folks can remember to sign the back of their ballots, to remember to do what ever it is you need to, and your state. I know every state is different, but makes sure that it gets done and it gets in and put, put that vote out there. I mean, you’re, if you’re a few of us citizen, we, a hand are allowed to vote on in the United States than it’s a good thing to exercise your right. So let’s keep that going and looking forward to what happens on November 3rd.
And also, I’m not a big announcement yet, but we’ll have an announcement some time soon about November 3rd. So keep your calendar’s open. And hopefully there’s is going to be something fun that A, I’m planning, I’m skimming to see what folks are interested in on, on that night. And instead of maybe sitting around and watching election returns from CNN or MSNBC, or wherever you get your news, maybe we’ll have something an alternative for those who are interested in thinking about Transportation stuff. So what that said, let’s, let’s go to the odds and ends, shall we?
So this is the odds and ends. The odds and ends are a few stories that piqued our interest from the newsletter over the last few weeks. Hopefully informative here is what we’ve got out.
Okay. So to collect the, yeah,
I usually go through some of the items that were the most clicked in the newsletter, and these were some of the most clicked and most interesting items. I think people, you know, took a shining two when they went through the newsletter during the week. So these are from the last two weeks, there’s a variation of items, and I’m looking forward to talking about them and a little bit greater detail. So, umm, the first one is from Recode, which is a written by Eric Adams and a it’s an article about self driving vehicles we’re years away from self driving cars.
So even though automobile company is presented big promises to have fully autonomous cars by 2021, there are multiple Planning and technological barriers that will need to be overcome before these vehicles become an everyday reality edge cases such as the weather and the differences between inanimate objects such as leaves or Brix on the road need to be conquered though. Some believe it is unlikely to ever happen. So this was an interesting piece, but also I will say that there was a piece today in the New York times discussing how some car companies are trying to put together VTX solutions so that their vehicles don’t hit cyclists or pedestrians by giving cyclist some sort of an indicator or a tracer.
I dunno, I dunno if we need that technology, but rather we needed the political world to actually make the specific issue of safety or a bigger deal. And I think that’s possible as we learn on a, a couple of the last few episodes, its possible to actually make it something that’s really important. So, you know, that’s, that’s, that’s kind of my opinion on it. I know that there’s a lot of technologists that think that this is the answer have of connecting people through to the bikes, ah, and, and, and vehicles through sensors. But I just, I think there just much better ways that don’t Tre trace us and track us and have us required to have a beeper on us at all times, or, or have a vehicle that has a beeper on it.
Or, you know, you know what I mean by a beeper, I just like some sort of a tool that connects vehicles together through five G or whatever it might be. But there was also, you know, this is also kind of a plug for an upcoming show are doing with Anthony Townsend who wrote the wonderful book ghost road. He actually believes the safety issue is kind of a red herring as the car’s are either going to be safe or are they are not going to be safe and all the other there’s so many other issues that self driving cars, autonomous vehicles, whatever you want to call ’em I know some people like a certain names of them for others, but there’s other issues that he talk to me.
But in the book that I think that really fascinating includes including financialization, he talks about how maybe, you know, congestion pricing has kind of a, an entry point for all these other financialization possibilities for companies to continue to charge you money, to do certain things on the road. And I found that was really interesting. We have a larger discussion about that, but somebody to look out for when Talking, Headways comes back with with Anthony and a couple of weeks. So I know that that will be be here soon, but not quite yet, but back to a self driving cars, do I think there’ll be, yeah, we are for info a five or 10 years.
Probably not streets and roads and whether is, is almost too unpredictable, but it would probably be OK for freight. I will say we’re also gonna have, we have some folks from Nuro on the show and it made me think about that. Perhaps our problem isn’t necessarily autonomy and whether the vehicles can see people are, the things are whatever, but its speed. Yeah. The, the speed at which people drive or what not, the driven is part of the problem. They want to go fast to get, wear it to their destination and these little vehicles, they, they don’t really have that problem. They’re just carrying cargo that, that our, you know, the cargo is not looking at his watch every 10 seconds and asking, are we there yet?
Or are we there yet? Their just carrying cargo. And M, you know, our PR our inpatients, I think is what kills people. And perhaps that’s the big issues these companies need to contend with when they’re thinking about passenger vehicles and speed in our need to always be somewhere and somewhere Fast, that might be the biggest problem for these cells. Okay. The vehicles because for cargo, right? It doesn’t seem to matter as much. You can go slower and get to your destination. I mean, we know that Domino’s in the hot pizza right away is, is a thing. But you know, that that might not be right, is such a big deal.
If the vehicle calls go 20 or 60 miles an hour, if they’re only going, you know, maybe about a generally 10 minute trip. So that might be something that we need to do look out for is the idea of speed, right? Rather than just what can be sensed because the sensing at speed is the hard part. Next up e-bike rebate program could support a boom. So during the pandemic, more and more people have used bicycle’s to get around. And it proves that promoting bike share programs and cycling infrastructure can encourage the use of its yeah, sustainable mobility to further this next year.
If the logical step is to extend e-bike rebates in subsidies to support the growth of the sustainable mode, which 65% of purchases were made to replace auto trips. So this is by Andy Olin at the Kinder Institute down in Houston, you know, it’s silly that we give personal car or size vehicles, $7,500 in subsidies, even more sometimes if you’re an, a specific state, but we could use those subsidies to help purchase bikes that take up less space and, and, and give them to more people. So I’m not totally against electric car subsidies necessarily, but all of the incentives are and who gets the benefits.
And it seems like giving people and electric bike incentive would be a win win, especially if it’s just, if you take that $7,500 that you’re getting from a firm, Wherever break that down. That’s what’s the, I think it’s six, seven, seven, that’s like seven. If you give people $500 each for each bike, that’s seven different eBikes versus one electric car. I think you’re taking so many more trips off the road that way. And there’s some in the New York state assembly that agree with, with that sentiment. You know, Robert Carol seems to agree and he and his piece, and Streetsblog in a, in a piece in Streetsblog in New York city, he States the current drive clean program offers a direct point of sale rebate of up to $2,000 to buyer’s of electric cars.
Hey, one Oh nine, seven four would allow the state to offer a similar rebate for the purchase of e-bikes covering 50% of the purchase price with the maximum rebate of a Mount of $1,100. So this is really fascinating. E-bikes vary widely in price from around 1000 to about as much as $13,000, but this is a pretty good rebate. And it’s, if you are thinking about that too thousand dollars, you can get to eBikes for the price of one electric car rebate and not take up as much space. So I think that’s really fascinating. And that that 65% number is really interesting too.
So almost 65% of North American e-bike owners said that replacing car trips was a maid motivation for buying an EBIT, any bike. And we know that we’re trying to reduce the number of trips that we’re we’re making for a climate goals. So, you know, people hear in the Bay area or thinking about reducing climate trips by just requiring major companies to work from home. But as, as folks had been arguing, you know, that might be the, might not be the best way to go forward because some of those people who are working from home or are already making it sustainable trips, especially if they were working in downtowns a, they are already taking Bart or are there already walking or biking to work.
It’s those other trips that we really need to focus on. And so, you know, this e-bike a subsidy might actually be a good thing. If we’re trying to get people are doing better trip, making decisions, making better trip, making a decision, okay. I should say, I’m that way we were the best way to go. And then, you know, that also means that you’re going to have a less expensive trip as well, because you’re not paying for gas. You’re not paying for, for parking and you’re not paying at all this stuff. So in the article, Andy, S mentioned that the average Houston household spends 20% of its income on transportation. And that’s because people are getting around a lot.
So they’re housing might be cheaper, but they spend a lot on Transportation and they should know growing up in Houston, I was driving my car everywhere and filling up pretty often. And it seems to be a pretty good expense even on my lifeguard money. So that’s something that is to consider as well. So I think this is a good idea, giving more e-bikes incentives, less of a electric car or incentives, but let’s continue to move the way that we’re moving. Next up is a challenge to a large lot of single family zoning, civil rights lawyers, and Connecticut are taking on exclusionary zoning in the town of Woodbridge by asking the city to build a four unit building on a lot that allows only one home, a on one and a half acres.
If the project is rejected, the lawyer’s are for sure, we have to take the Citi to court and believe the case has, could have statewide, right? Location’s for zoning and the provision of affordable housing. So this is by Jacqueline and Robert Thomas of CT Mirror. Okay. So this is an interesting one. So a Nika seeing Lamar, Aaron bogs, Connie Royster, and Karen Anderson, civil rights attorneys are looking for a way to change the law when it comes to the inequities and exclusionary, a process of zoning in small towns and Connecticut, and even in the U S cause of this court case goes further, there might be some sort of a, you know, a kickback from that finding a later on for the whole country, but in 2009, the town of Woodbridge and Connecticut purchased about a 150 acre property for about $7 million to make sure that it wasn’t taken by affordable housing developers and in the last 30 years, yeah, just to, or just three to use at home, we have received a building permits.
So these lawyers who are a part of this organisation called the open communities Alliance are basically at that in the planning and zoning commission to approve a four unit home on a one and a half acre, lot zoned for a single family. And this is a community that hasn’t allowed much affordable housing. They allow, you know, they only have large lot a zoning, which means that you have an acre and a half, which if your here in San Francisco and things were like 40 units, an acre, that’s basically 50 units. So you can fit on that one unit, you know, these, or is a more suburban area, but still, I think it’s silly that we still have these restrictions for one unit per acre in these places, but basically their, you know, they are, they’re trying to push the envelope on, on towns and what their thinking in terms of zoning and, and large lot zoning and exclusionary zoning.
Basically, they’re trying to prove that exclusionary zoning is just as in situ, is as outright racial discrimination, which, you know, doesn’t allow a certain folks to move in next to other people. And the opposition has been there for a long time in the Town. And they’re basically worried about school enrollment and rural quote unquote, rural character of the town. But the data actually shows that school enrollment is down. So just like in other places here in the Bay area, for example, like Palo Alto where our school enrollment has also down because their not replacing, you know, homeowners is growing old, their not getting new homeowners.
They are not getting new residence in the neighborhood because they’re not building any new housing units. And so the school enrollment is reducing. And so it’s likely that there going to get less money from the state, a they’re going to look at less money from, for schools and then they might even have close some schools down. So this is a silly argument I’m in terms of school enrollment that they’ve made before, but these groups are always gonna make silly arguments. But I think it’s an interesting look at this kind of M this movement of, of pushing the suburbs and pushing town’s to do better about their zoning and making sure that everybody has access to do whatever they want on their land, whether that’s build more housing units or whatever, you know, this is kind of one of the things that I think is funny and arguments in the fights that we have is that a lot of the, if you wanted to build like four units on your property, you couldn’t even if, even though it’s your land, you paid for it.
And basically everybody around you decides what you get to do with your property, which is kind of silly in my mind anyways, ah, you know, there should be some restrictions, but for the most part, it seems silly if you fit the hight and you fit the massing of the zoning code, then why not be able to do what you want to do. So, you know, you guys know where I stand on this. I know where most of you all stand on this as well. I just think it’s interesting to see what’s coming up in Connecticut. So next up a unprecedented small business loss and low labor participation rates since the pandemic began, the country’s wealthiest has increased there hoard by the 845 billion as small businesses are facing losses, never seen during any recession experts believe the pain is likely to get worse, given an already low labor participation rate and looming reductions in unemployment benefits, the failure of decision makers to realize existing damage could also make recovery harder.
So this kind of goes back to like what’s happening at the federal level. There’s a big fight, obviously between benefits and the stimulus packages that have been coming out. There was a person I can’t remember exactly who it was. And it just came into my head, right. Just know that this person has said this, but this person basically said, he told everybody that, you know, there’s basically we can’t do. We can do, we can’t do too much too to us, you know, to get the economy back on track. There’s so many people that are suffering so much that’s going on because of the pandemic that we just need to stimulate it in.
And then the Republicans come out and have a smaller stimulus package that Nancy Pelosi said, no, we’re not going to do that. And then also they tried to just do airlines, which seems ridiculous to me, without transit come on, transit is taking the central workers, places, airlines have done stock buybacks and all that stuff. I hardly feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for the workers. I don’t feel sorry for the executives and all those folks who have been kind of pillaging for the last 10 years or so ever since the last, the last crunch. So there’s a, there’s a kind of thing going on their as well, but still in this piece, they are talking about basically, you know, the labor force participation rate is going down.
We were having problems because of coronavirus people aren’t going out and spending and people aren’t going out to their local neighborhoods and restaurants and things like that. Downtown’s are suffering cause people aren’t coming to work and those types of things. So I think, you know, basically the labor force participation rate was 63% in January of 2019. And due to COVID-19, it’s now around, we went to about 60% in April and now it’s at 61% last month, 61.4%. So the Joseph Wilson, a labor historian and Andy and a consultant had this comments in this article, which was in Salon.
And I just wanted to read this part cause I thought it was really, M actually a really good, a good discussion of the issue. So quote, the American pandemic recovery model is speeding down the wrong track. The treasury department’s volt is wide open to the tune of trillions for the largest corporation bond holders and hedge funds. While the $600 per week federal pandemic unemployment compensation funds have vanished. This will inevitably result in even more bifurcated the economy with a full recovery for those on top and pain suffering unemployment and increased poverty for the working class public service and frontline workers will get shafted.
And the top 1% will get yachts and caviar. This is why the European recovery model is in which workers, wages are maintained by a government subsidies will lead to a more comprehensive, sustainable, and socially equitable recovery. The political economies of Europe and the United States stand in sharp contrast. So it’s, it’s, it’s just so frustrating that we continue to give more and more to the top earners of the country without Safeguard’s for everybody else who participates in the consumer and the labor market’s in case people were wondering why socialism is getting greater appeal these days to many, especially the younger folks who have never seen government do anything great for them and continue to have go into labor market’s that are suffering because of, you know, either of the pandemic ore because of collapses, etcetera, in case you were wondering why people we are going that direction is because the rules that are written for capitalism at the moment are written to give money to people that, that don’t need it, the rich people, and you know, that’s something that’s been coming a that’s been happening for the last several 10 years.
And you can see it with certain people that are only paying $750 in taxes who are feeding themselves the money, basically in ill-gotten ways, you know, this New York times report on the sh on the taxes of the, of the Trump company and all that stuff is, is just insane. It’s insane. I’m how much people get out of stuff. And I’m proud to pay my taxes. I must say I’ve even told the people this I over email recently when I was asked about certain things, I said, you know what? I’m proud to pay my taxes. I’m glad to pay my taxes or are there certain things I wish we wouldn’t pay taxes? And I mean, fund, yes.
I don’t think we need a new strike jet fighter. If they don’t know, I think we could use is a universal healthcare and those types of things, but at the same time, like I, you know, that’s our taxes go to programs that help people, you know, it just took us. It depends on who’s in power as to how those things get spent, but, you know, I’m happy to pay my fair share and I’m very upset and very disappointed that certain people don’t think they should be paying their fair share. And that, that doesn’t just go for individuals. But that goes to companies as well, who are hiding an off shore, a accounts or trying to right off everything they possibly can.
I’m I’m all about a good write off that actually is a business right off, but don’t tell me that your $70,000 a hair appointments are, are, are able to be written off. That’s all, they just simply ridiculous. So anyways, you can tell them frustrated with that, but it’s something that I think a lot of folks or frustrated with as well, right? And you know, if you work hard in this country, you pay your taxes. You do, you know, do all the right things. It should be rewarding for that. Not, not a disincentive next up as Zero Emissions Neighborhood planters in the Norwegian city of Bergen are building a zero emissions regenerative Neighborhood from a sprawling warehouse and container district called Dokken in order to reach the goal life cycle we’ll measure each step of the process.
And with no private owners to negotiate with the goals will be set high to push the limits of innovation. So this was by one of our favorites at Dell Peter’s and fast company. I dunno how, how she finds out all these great are great things to write about, but she does. This is a pretty cool project that I must say that if you ever, ever, ever get a chance to go to Bergen Norway, it’s an amazing, amazing place. Umm, I was there in 2011 and I just loved it is a bit, a bit, a little bit Rainey, but is beautiful. And a actually a funny story. We actually took a train from Oslo to Bergen, which has also an amazing trip. Ah, this is the kind of the way we took it.
It in August to September. So before the day before the winter comes in, the light’s still about the same, but you know, my mom and my dad and I went traveling in, in, in Norway and, and in Sweden and Denmark and it was a really good trip. We took trains everywhere and then we got to Bergen. You know, my mom hadn’t really asked to go, but in many places. And so she asked to go to this stave church, this church basically built in the 12 hundreds. And so we actually went, ended up going and driving, getting a car and driving, you know, basically half a day, one way and half a day back to see this church that was basically shellacked to within an inch of its life.
But it was still their, this amazing church, ah, in this Valley. And it was probably one of the, you know, most the coolest, most beautiful things we’ve seen as that countryside have Norway outside of Bergin. So if you’ve ever get a chance to go to the state of church, go to Bergen, check out their light rail line. They have funiculars, they have all kinds of really cool stuff. And the, the downtown is beautiful. The Harbour is amazing. The whether is crisp or it may be a little bit wet, but it’s a really awesome place.
And this neighborhood is, it looks and sounds like it’s really gonna be awesome to a it’ll have zero cars. That’ll have green space on the waterfront. It’ll clean up the landscape from the previous uses a, they are going to dig up material and ask actually if other people need it. So it’s going to be regenerative and recycling. And that way I hoped this project actually get some attention and awards in the air and they actually pull it off. I really like the, the, the idea that there going to account for a life cycle costs too, of everything that they bring in, whether that’s the Wood or has the concrete, anything they build, they’re going to account for the whole life cycle and try to get to net zero, which is pretty impressive.
We’ll see what happens. And finally, this is the last but not least piece that we have this week. I’m really excited about this one. I’ve just for the sheer fact that I’ve been reading about it forever. So Venice will finally avoid the tides. Venice, Italy is known for its canals and waterways. And the fact that the Citi is slowly sinking into the lagoon in which it sits high tides frequently cover a third of the city, but last week barriers built in the lagoon, held back to the water for the first time ever. The barriers have been subject to it of numerous controversies, including corruption, over a decade of delays and large cost overruns.
But now official’s are happy. There are finally completed at work as planned. This piece was by Coleen Berry in the AP a associated press. So there are 78 barriers now, and five entrance spots in the lagoon to Venice, Italy, and a, you know, last November, they had the worst tides in their fifties in 53 years in November, I’m in this project is now a holding back some of those tide’s and making it so that in Saint Mark square, which sometimes, and during these types of, they actually have to build these to foot or, you know, two foot wide plank walkways above the water so that they can actually, people can actually get around the area.
They didn’t have to do it this time because of the barriers, which is really cool. It was supposed to cost only 1.8 billion euros, a $2 billion, but it was actually a, and it was actually meant to be completed in 2011 I’m, but the project has costs 5.5 billion euros and is a decade behind schedule, but it’s finally finished and the system will be deployed when the tide’s AR are at 43 inches or just under four feet. So with climate change and all that other stuff happening to see, you can tell them how this is gonna be really impactful for a Venice and maybe like a, a way for other cities’ to see, you know, how to do it.
I’m thinking, umm, you know, the Netherlands has this figured out M if Venice has finally figure this out, maybe some, someone like new Orleans could figure this out as well. Although it’s a little bit of a different system in terms of the water at work. So it would be needed because its not quite the same, a lagoon with the limited entrances and, and barrier’s, but you know, it’s something to be thinking of natural waterways and things like the Mississippi are really fascinating in the army Corps of engineers has really tried to keep it going down at the same path when it really wanted to go down at different different path towards a, you know, get away from new Orleans I’m and so will see how much nature it can push back against the human ingenuity.
But I’m, I’m really interesting to see if, so these are some of the things that people employed when they are thinking about climate change and sea level rise, especially if it’s going to get to that two, three, four, five feet grouping. Umm you know, cause it’s its just, you know, some of these communities that, or by the water just going to be damaged beyond repair and this is kind of a, in an indicator species I would say. So I was excited to read about that and hopefully you, yeah, we all were kind of to listen about it two. All right. So that’s it for this week, this week in every year, a week, I want to thank our generous Patreon supporters.
You all are awesome. And to keep the show going by listening and supporting each month to the show and Talking Headways, I really wouldn’t be here without it. So thank you. Thank you very much. Especially during the pandemic, We really appreciate it. I know that a lot of folks and a lot of agencies and a lot of the people that support us have had a lot, a little bit of a hard time. So anything that you all can do to support us in R in that way, we really appreciate it. We, we, we know that it’s tough. It’s a tough time for folks, especially from a monetary perspective, but is there anything that you all do or an anything you’re already doing for us?
We really, really appreciate that. So we wouldn’t be able to do the show without the Patrion support. So again, its really appreciate it. So $10 a month, we’ll get you some stickers and $10 a month. We’ll get you. Your BAS only scarf and A, I’ve only got about 50 left. So the weather is getting cold, get yourself a scarf, get a couple of scarves to get to your friend’s, give them to focus on his Christmas presents may be a Halloween costumes. You know, you can get those, we’ve got a few left and I hope maybe I’ll order some or if they get popular again over, over the winter. And I think, I think they will.
So maybe I should just do that automatically. You can also get the BAS on the scarf if you go to the website, but a, you can do it by being that $10 a month or a supporter on Patrion. And we, we really appreciate that. And also finally, I wanna mention that we did produce an audio book version of Raymon on winds 19 and nine classic Town Planning in Practice. If you want to get your hands on one, go to Raymon on or you can get there from The Overhead all you, all of this book is I’m in it. I really like it. It’s one of those books that is actually the number one book on APA is Planning books.
You have to read from the 19, 19 a month after 1900. And so I think, you know, it’s one of those books, Patrick, it is on there and I’m hoping to do that one as well and the future. Ah, but this is one of the first ones. And ah, and I think that really kind of still, it still resonates today is still a really awesome book. And, and ah, now all you have to do is just to listen to it. You know, if you go to Raymon Unwin and then you go to Awesound, you can get it and listen to it like a podcast. Each chapter is a different, is a different podcast episode. So check that out. If you get a chance, we really appreciate that.
If you all want to get, pick up one of those too, we, we, we worked hard on that. Had a good reader. It’s not me, had a good reader, have a really good format and a, the book’s really good. So check it out if you get a chance. So if you have any questions or comments, feel free to tweet at us or a comment on any social sight where the Podcast appears I’m we had some a, you know, Brian O Looney he was on a show on Talking Headways is this last Thursday we have Chris Pangilinan from Uber on the week before that. And my, my, my appeal to not vote for prop 20 to that, you can go back and listen to that.
I won’t repeat it here, but a, but I just wanted to mention that it’s they’re a go back and check out our old episodes. We have some really great episodes coming up two. I really appreciate you guys listening and And and following along. So I’m looking forward to sharing some of those new ones that we’ve got coming up with with Anthony Townsend, with neuro we’ve got some really good books coming out that I think that you guys are really gonna like from a, from different authors That and things outside of the usual realm of Transportation. That is really cool. So I I’ve got those, work it out and I’ve got podcasts all the way through a planned all the way through November.
So we’re, we’re set and I look forward to sharing those with you, puppies and butterflies. This is the part of the show. Were we talk about something fun or interesting or maybe it just didn’t fit in the other sections. You know what, this week I put up, we put up a Halloween decorations and a I’ve got a happy Halloween has a spider. I’ve got pumpkins, I’ve got dripping blood asking for help, got skeletons and a haunted houses to up on the, on the wall in the windows. So I appreciate that that Halloween is, is coming soon, October
As my favorite favorite month, I’m looking forward to carving pumpkin’s. Even if we can’t get out candida kids, I’d probably still order candy. Ah, what are you, what are you, what would you do all dress up as a four this year? If you were able to go out for Halloween or maybe you’re just going to dress up and walk around with a mask on a, I don’t know, but let me know, send us an email. The Overhead [email protected] and I’d love to read out next time we’re on what folks are going to be doing for, for Halloween. So that’s it, that’s it for this week. I appreciate you all A you can find you [email protected].
Thanks for joining us at Mondays at The Overhead Wire and thanks again, always as always to our generous Patreon supporters for sponsoring this week’s podcast, we really appreciate it. Thanks Han solo Thanks Chewbacca, and we’ll see you next time.

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