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Category Archives: Blog

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 385: Thinking Regionally About New York

June 2, 2022

This week we’re joined by Regional Plan Association President and CEO Tom Wright. Tom looks back at the history of the RPA, the current process for congestion pricing in New York City, and how the Triborough transit line got traction. We also talk about the organization’s thinking on climate change and more! You can listen

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 384: Portrait of a Developer in St. Paul

May 26, 2022

This week we’re listening to a one to one conversation between St. Paul Developer Johnny Opara of JO Companies and Lea Hargett, Principal of Jog Associates. They talk about LISC’s Capacity Building programs that support developers of color, why Johnny got into development, and barriers people of color face in the market which includes the

Mondays 111: A Safe Place to Bee

May 24, 2022

This week on Mondays we’re joined by Jerome Horne of TransitCenter to share thoughts on Amazon deliveries, new bus networks in Boston, Segregation by Design’s visualizations, and new infrastructure technical assistance and housing plans from the White House. Below are news links:

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 383: A Communities First Infrastructure Alliance

May 19, 2022

This week we’re listening in on a one-on-one conversation between Stephanie Gidigbi Jenkins of NRDC and North Star Strategies and Helen Chin, President of the Communities First Fund.  Stephanie and Helen discuss why this is an important moment for infrastructure equity and the creation of the Communities First Infrastructure Alliance and its principles. You can

Mondays 110: Shop Dogs

May 16, 2022

We are Han Solo this week but wanted to clear the pallet for next week’s guest. We chat about Oslo’s environmental progress, LA’s Universal Basic Mobility plans, and how people walking slowly increases perceived crowding.  The links the all the stories are in the show notes! You can listen to the show here and check

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 382: Measuring Transport Insecurity

May 12, 2022

This week we’re joined by Alix Gould-Werth of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth and Alex Murphy Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan to talk about their work on the topic of transportation insecurity. We chat about what went in to the creation of the transportation security index and why we haven’t

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 381: A Next-Generation Transport Policy

May 5, 2022

This week we’re joined by Harriet Tregoning, Director at NUMO, and Yonah Freemark, a senior research associate at the Urban Institute to talk about their report, Charting Out a Next-Generation, Place-Based Federal Transportation Policy. We talk what needs to change about federal policy and the entities that need to pursue it. You can listen to

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 380: A 15 Minute Church

April 28, 2022

This week we’re joined by Travis Norvell, Minister at Judson Memorial Baptist Church in Minneapolis to talk about his book Church on the Move.  We talk about transforming church parking lots, creating bike commute reports for local radio, and how church has changed after the advent of the automobile. You can listen to the show


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