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Category Archives: Blog

Mondays #100! Double Infrastructure All the Way

November 9, 2021

Well it’s finally infrastructure week. We definitely timed it to coincide with our 100th episode of Mondays. Tracy and I get into some of the lesser discussed details of the IIJA bill while also covering a few stores from the newsletter including, French bookshop protection, Vienna’s urban flood protection, housing rejection in SF, indoor methane

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 357: Culture is Designed Every Century

October 28, 2021

This week we’re joined by Dutch architect Ton Venhoeven.  We chat about Utrecht’s new tram station TOD, the difference between the 15 minute and Micro City, planning policy and its history in the Netherlands, and the future of cities. You can find the audio at Streetsblog USA or on the libsyn page. Below is a

Mondays 99: The Halloween Highway

October 26, 2021

This week we’re joined by Josh Fairchild, Co-Founder of Transit Matters, a transit advocacy organization in Boston. Josh tells us about his recent trip to California and his experience with BART after a long flight. We also talk about our slate of news including the end of Alitalia Airlines, the idea of Planet City, Seattle’s

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 356: Partisanship and Transportation

October 21, 2021

This week we’re joined by Kelcie Ralph, Nick Klein, and Calvin Thigpen to talk about their recent paper ‘Political Partisanship and Transportation Reform’ written with Anne Brown in the Journal of The American Planning Association.  We chat about why they wrote the paper, what they found out about partisanship and transportation policy, and why all

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 355: Asphalt – A History

October 14, 2021

This week we’re joined by Kenneth O’Reilly to talk about his book Asphalt: A History. We chat about what asphalt is, how it was used for building, war, and economic expansion and how it impacts the future of the planet. You can listen to the audio for this episode at Streetsblog USA or Libsyn. Below

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 354: Active Transportation Laws in Berlin

October 7, 2021

This week we’re joined by Roland Stimpel of The German Pedestrian Association Fussverkehr.  Roland chats with us about Berlin’s new mobility laws including the 2018 Mobility Act and 2021’s pedestrian law amendments. We also talk about SUVs, the struggle to find public servants, and Ampelmännchen, the traffic light man. Below is a full unedited transcript.

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 353: Depave Cities

September 30, 2021

This week on the podcast we’re joined by Mary Pat McGuire, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Illinois.  Mary Pat talks with us about what happens to water after it hits the pavement, the damaging environmental impacts of covering cities in pavement, and steps we can take to reduce runoff in green


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