How are you all holding up? You good? Big hugs.
So I know where I live, San Francisco, is easy to pick on. Our leaders can sometimes do dumb stuff and vote for things that seem to the rest of the country like they are out of touch. Our new Mayor just bought himself an electric SUV and gave it to the city so he could use it. He was seen on his e-bike on the campaign trail but in my mind I couldn’t help but wonder why they can’t take Muni more often and mix more with us plebes.
We even get it from allies. In today’s news an item from one of my favorite current thinkers Yale Law Prof. David Schleicher on the crisis of state capacity noted some of the city’s rougher neighborhoods and their tent encampments (and potholes) and the juxtaposition of some of the big technology things that are happening here.
Yes those things are here, and in every major city. But folks that have come to visit me in my neighborhood sometimes seem surprised at how different the national news coverage is from what they see. Admittedly it’s a nice neighborhood but I should also note some of the positive things that happen because it can’t be all negative all the time.
My street was repaved just a few years ago and crews are just finishing up laying asphalt on our main commercial street which has been battered by buses (tech and Muni). The whole neighborhood has gotten new sewer pipes and now has smooth roads which I love when I’m on my bike going down hill.
The repavings are so quick, just a few days and they are done. The main commercial street took a few weeks but they also put in new ADA ramps and concrete pads at the bus stops. No one is going to talk about how great an outcome that is, but it is an example of good execution by our city.
Additionally, for all the complaints about how long it takes to build multifamily housing, I found making a basement addition really easy with the right contractor and architects (Thank you OpenScope) that could bird dog everything and get approvals the same afternoon they walked into the permit office.
We knew to avoid anything that would bring us to design review or any of the other onerous processes the city is known for. But we designed it that way on purpose. And it should be that easy for everyone without scripting the process to avoid pain. It took 10 months for construction and it was done. Many of the houses on my street that made additions or went to design review took years. But our result just tells me that a better outcome IS possible.
And finally San Francisco is known as a city with small numbers of children. But you wouldn’t know it if you went to the local baby playground daily and talked with the unofficial mayor of the space, a Grampa who takes care of his grandson during the day and knows everyone.
Or if you are at Town Square, a former parking lot turned public space and the home of the infamous expensive toilet, on a warm afternoon after kids get out from daycare and parents can decompress from work. The place is teeming with life and giggling and children and wonder until dinner time.
Or getting on the 24 bus at Geary and missing one because it’s so full of high schoolers. It’s ok though, the next one came in five minutes.
I could go on about San Francisco’s natural beauty and its weather or food and all the other things that you already know about, but there’s so much that people don’t hear about because it’s boring or not controversial. Do we have issues and are they big ones? Yes. Housing, homelessness, cost of living etc. But we also have successes and wins and sometimes I wish we’d share more of them, wherever we come from.
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