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Category Archives: Blog

The Overhead Wire Daily | On the Edge

September 12, 2024

Recently we’ve chatted a lot about a paper done by Professors Chris Redfearn and Anthony Orlando (Podcast | Blog) which discusses how Texas and California are two very different regulatory markets but seeing very similar rises in housing prices as they run out of sprawl-able land. California is expensive but Texas is catching up because

Mondays Flashback – Asphalt: A History

September 2, 2024

Since it’s Labor Day we’ve got a flashback Talking Headways here at Mondays at The Overhead Wire! Next week we’ll be back with a Mondays show with a special guest that’s not Han Solo so stay tuned! But this week we’re chatting with Kenneth O’reilly about his book Asphalt: A History. We chatted about what


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