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The Overhead Wire Daily | July 9th | Access as Policy

July 9, 2024

Two items today (Lincoln Institute | New York Times feat. Economic Renaissance Group) point at an economic growth surge amongst historically strong but weakened midwestern and southeastern industrial cities and counties. The two pieces point at two different potential reasons for the change; industrial policy and finance and a surge in startups that could signal

Mondays 155: Four Day Workweek

This week on the Mondays show, we’re Han Solo but have a lot of interesting items about shorter work weeks, children’s brains and the impact of traffic noise, overbuilt retail, and highway expansion and climate change. Below are the links and show notes: News Items Supreme court overturns Chevron – Grist Supreme court on homeless

The Overhead Wire Daily | June 27th | Work Week Transportation

June 27, 2024

Barcelona Metropolis shares the idea of moving to a four day work week in hopes of increasing the amount of leisure time people have, which in turn could boost civic participation and reduce emissions from transportation. They took note of a month in Valencia Spain in holidays in the month of April meant four weeks

(Unedited) Podcast Transcript 489: Post-Peaky Transit

June 26, 2024

This week on Talking Headways we’re chatting with Tracy Hadden Loh of the Brookings Institute about impacts of the pandemic on downtowns, activity centers, and transit usage. We chat about creating activity center cluster maps and a recent report entitled Building Better on Philadelphia. To listen to this episode, go to Streetsblog USA or find

The Overhead Wire Daily | June 26th | Highway Leadership

Last week we shared an item about NRDC suing Caltrans over highway expansion in California that the State DOT says will reduce emissions. Obviously that claim has been getting a lot of pushback because more lanes often means more driving and even more congestion. But the lawsuit is likely to set a huge precedent in

Mondays 154: Dead University Line

June 25, 2024

We’re Han Solo this week on Mondays at The Overhead Wire but that doesn’t stop us from covering a lot of ground from the last several weeks. We chat about how climate change could impact infrastructure building, the death of Houston’s University Line, and Boston’s commuter rail ridership success compared to before the pandemic. We

The Overhead Wire Daily | June 20th, 2024 | Interconnected Risks

June 20, 2024

I share a lot of Susan Crawford’s items from her substack Moving Day because it really is sounding an alarm on the issues climate change will soon make us reckon with. Today she’s shares a study that looks at how insurance costs have gone up since 2020 in areas that are at high risk of

The Overhead Wire Daily | June 19th, 2024 | Killer Rabbits

Projects dead or dying strewn everywhere. All attacked by killer rabbits. That would be my title if I had to characterize the absurdities that are happening in New York and now Houston. I can only make Monty Python references at this point because my disappointment is high and I need something funny to arrest the


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